In short,

Sunny day, improving spirits all round; three loads of laundry hanging on the line, thereby ensuring that my pile of things to iron remains huge; complete bath and hair wash for my beloved, during which time I spilled a basin of soapy water on the lounge floor, thereby underlining the fortuitousness of the absence of carpeting in our home; a decent lunch; far too much coffee; far too much novel-writing, all of which will result in a very pleasant night’s sleep.

That is it. Less than one hundred words including my name, and no picture!

What a nerve!


6 thoughts on “In short,

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  1. Hi Allison!
    I think it’s something deeper….the reason everything you say delights me. It’s more than the just under the surface irony and two heads talking tone. It’s more than being surprised with twists and words. It’s more than images and the taste of dirt.
    Some day I’ll figure it out. For now Wondering feels good.


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