Sanity in the balance

I thought it was time for some passive appreciation, so headed off to see what the lovely Savage Chickens had been up to. It is precisely because it is such defining moment in Macbeth, where Shakespeare so deftly portrays someone slipping over the edge into the realms of insanity - and consciously so - that... Continue Reading →

Time might as well take a cigarette

I am going to grease up an old four-inch pole, lay it horizontally on two posts about three feet above a body of psychedelic water and put it in an art gallery and call it "Time". Or, you can. Whoever gets to do it first, wins. That is one rule of time, by the way.

Secure syntax and moral excellence

The picture of a pot purple petunias against a background of a yellow rose creeper cannot be uploaded because of my slow Internet connection. Never mind. It has nothing to do with the blog at all. I had an English Literature teacher in my senior years at school who deplored those who mistook "moral squeamishness... Continue Reading →

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