What your translation business deserves

I spent yesterday, and the evening before, interacting with fellow translators in real life and attending a workshop presented by Daniela Zambrini and coordinated by organiser supreme, Paula Ribeiro. The cost of the workshop itself was the least expensive part of my trip, thanks to the generosity of people who believe in sharing knowledge -... Continue Reading →


Sources of Joy - Days 96 and 97 Perhaps I have been unduly influenced by a curious blend, inter alia∗, of pop psychology, New Age thinking and French literary trends c. 1920–1960. Today's events on my little planet revolved around the theme of choice, something I expounded upon at length for about a decade straddling... Continue Reading →

Exquisite chuckle

Sources of Joy - Day 43 Outside of conference business, I arranged last week to meet up for (good quality) coffee this morning with a  Porto-based translator who edited the English version of a big project I did in 2011. The flimsy excuse was to discuss timetabling for a large translation of hers which I... Continue Reading →

A bowl of cherries

Or, in my case, as I write, a bowl of dried figs, removed from the freezer and cut in half to facilitate chomping. I am definitely a proponent of the "no crumbs in my keyboard" philosophy which fellow translator Emma Goldsmith introduced in the recent video discussion while being interviewed by fellow translator and agency... Continue Reading →

Tired old soap operas do it

As I have already indicated, tired old soap operas do it, so I am going to. I am giving you a recap. I am drawing your attention to some bits of my blog you may have missed. I am astounded that my previous post, published in the wee hours three days ago has attracted so... Continue Reading →

Pre-conference pondering

ProZ has held an annual international conference for translators since 2001. I have wanted to attend one of these events since 2001. This is the first time it has been a reasonable proposition. For a start, I live in the country in which the conference is taking place. By some incredibly fortuitous set of circumstances, I... Continue Reading →

Simon, Garfunkel and Yoda

It all started when a fellow translator posted an image of Yoda, of Star Wars fame, on her Facebook wall. The speech balloon said, "OOYL", which, of course, is short for "Only once, you live". Despite obvious pronunciation difficulties, I prefer Yoda's rendition to the now ubiquitous YOLO. "My favourite, he is", I commented. "Ha!",... Continue Reading →

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