The Scatterling series – 11, 12, 13 & 14

Mid-way through my summer editing job, I am finally able to see the sense of the book. This augurs well for the planned final read through in a couple of weeks' time.  Time is precious. I feel as if I am not doing enough of anything - not enough work, not enough blogging, not enough... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader — Tampon Subsidy

This post is written in response to the WordPress Daily Prompt, and deals with something I have always thought of as a good idea. I have been away attending to other matters for a while, but could not resist writing the following letter to my, or your, Leader: The Hon. Head Honcho Average First World... Continue Reading →

Cement, and the floppy sentence

I woke up this morning and heard Mitt Romney's entire concession speech before coffee. This is remarkable, because I very rarely watch TV, let alone first thing in my morning. He looked neat, remarkably fresh. He stood up straight, and for all the world could have been the captain of a sports team at a... Continue Reading →

Sweeping for Jesus

I am an at-the-desk and sitting-up-straight-on-a-chair person. Always have been. I could never do homework on my bed. My laptop always sits on my desk, perched like some space-age typewriter. But today I am doing something I never normally do. I am sitting on our new sofa with my feet up, with my laptop on... Continue Reading →

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