Assuming a few more things

Daily Prompt: Burning Down the House Your home is on fire. Grab five items (assume all people and animals are safe). What did you grab? On television recently we have watched a few documentary programmes on "preppers". These are people who live in fear in my view. That is no way to live at all.... Continue Reading →

Everything she knows

I taught her everything she knows. That's what the mother said on the sixteenth birthday of the eldest daughter. Not everything, said the daughter. But nobody heard her until years later when she found her true voice. © Allison Wright, 2013.

Favourite thing

Today's Daily Prompt invites bloggers to toot their own horn. We have been invited to write about our favourite thing about ourselves, given our normal excellence at self-deprecation. Oooh! Online group therapy! Forget it! I much prefer being self-deprecating, as much as it annoys one of my favourite cousins. It is a reflex action ingrained... Continue Reading →

Daily Prompt: Polite Company

When you have a big idea stewing, but not the energy to bring it to the boil, you can always count on WordPress to provide a safer option! Today's daily prompt is prompting thus: “It’s never a good idea to discuss religion or politics with people you don’t really know.” Agree or disagree?" Let's start... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader — Tampon Subsidy

This post is written in response to the WordPress Daily Prompt, and deals with something I have always thought of as a good idea. I have been away attending to other matters for a while, but could not resist writing the following letter to my, or your, Leader: The Hon. Head Honcho Average First World... Continue Reading →

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