Freedom’s the thing

The thing about dictatorships, and oppressive regimes in general, is that there is no freedom of speech.

Lisboa is a woman

She surprises me with... a more expansive than imagined body, heart and soul.

Rule No 6

Always wondered how many ways you had to try before it worked. I never tried to leave my lover, although I did fancy hopping on a bus occasionally.


This is the result of a timed fifteen-minute scribble, the title for which is a writer's prompt, merely to focus on writing itself, and see what ideas come to the surface as a result. I wrote this in December 2015, and have reproduced it here unchanged - except no one will now complain about my... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 11, 12, 13 & 14

Mid-way through my summer editing job, I am finally able to see the sense of the book. This augurs well for the planned final read through in a couple of weeks' time.  Time is precious. I feel as if I am not doing enough of anything - not enough work, not enough blogging, not enough... Continue Reading →

That was silly

My apologies, everyone. It was very silly indeed to change my blog's theme and think it would only take ten minutes to sort it out. As far as blogging goes, I am essentially - as depicted above - not here. I shall turn the search bar on. That'll help until I have some time to... Continue Reading →

Learning new things

... we are standing on the cusp of a fresh new mentality which we have to embrace - whatever our age - in order to maximise the benefit we derive from the diverse activities which fall under the aegis of freelance translation.


Sources of Joy - Days 96 and 97 Perhaps I have been unduly influenced by a curious blend, inter alia∗, of pop psychology, New Age thinking and French literary trends c. 1920–1960. Today's events on my little planet revolved around the theme of choice, something I expounded upon at length for about a decade straddling... Continue Reading →

Change and the mustard seed

Sources of Joy - Days 54 – 56 A eulogy of sorts During this, my officially designated "respite", I have made honest attempts to achieve more regular days, manage my time with greater precision, and render plans and strategies conceived thus far more concrete. All this, yet still, days flow one into the other as the... Continue Reading →

In between

Sources of Joy - Days 38 and 39 I am not sure that there should be a space between these two days. They form a contiguous blob in my mind. Each blob contained high anxiety levels tempered only by the calming effect of having a mountain of work from saving me from having to think... Continue Reading →

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