Sitting on the thumbs of kings

My dear friend knows that I would never pass up the opportunity of sitting on four royal thumbs in a holy place.

Scatterling —published!

Have barcode, will publish Proof that with a bit of help from CompletelyNovel in getting the barcode to appear on the back cover, even techno-eejits like me can self-publish. Scatterling is published! Click on the image below  to read online: I hope you enjoy the preview enough to buy your own copy. The format and the print... Continue Reading →

The meaning of invincible

It is a feature of human nature that we more readily accept into our personal realm those with whom we share something in common than those with whom we do not. By reading a book, we accept whatever that book holds into our own space, the space we hold most dear. The fact that Muriel... Continue Reading →

You look familiar

I am sure most people have been told that they look familiar at least once in their lives upon meeting a stranger. The trouble is that this used to happen to me a lot in my early twenties. This used to upset me because my childhood indoctrination, religious and otherwise, had taught me that I... Continue Reading →

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