Sword and shield

Give us a farving, 'Squire!

Audio books

They reveal that life is not a tapestry; rather, it is nothing nearly as well ordered or tightly woven.

Freedom’s the thing

The thing about dictatorships, and oppressive regimes in general, is that there is no freedom of speech.


Somewhere between the web and the weft of words— in the space where the feeling of life almost forms a thought —is the realm of being at one with the plant.

All around my hat

We were conference-bound, and high-speed conversation bounced back and forth for almost the entire duration until we reached our destination.

The fifty ways

I heard the Earth rumbling: it was the hearts of millions of fairies turning to stone and thudding on the ground like persistent, regular blows from a hammer. They were dying in their successive droves as daylight reached one time zone after another around the Planet.

Sleeping together

There are two hearts beating, two hearts breathing to the beat of that one drum, breathing naked together, we are joined at the heart and we breathe in unison, always, we pretend it is for always, but know it is not so.

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