Sunday gleanings

Examples of fine writing style need to keep each other company.

Unnecessary notes

The at-a-glance approach was no longer the be-all and end-all of my raison d´être.

Copper cockerel

We were given little pots of molten wax to pour into all the furrows made with our stylus.

Index card

I always had something to fill that vacant state of mind brought about by having to stand in queues.

Everything she knows

I taught her everything she knows. That's what the mother said on the sixteenth birthday of the eldest daughter. Not everything, said the daughter. But nobody heard her until years later when she found her true voice. © Allison Wright, 2013.

The meaning of invincible

It is a feature of human nature that we more readily accept into our personal realm those with whom we share something in common than those with whom we do not. By reading a book, we accept whatever that book holds into our own space, the space we hold most dear. The fact that Muriel... Continue Reading →

Kindling and the same ol’

"It's the same old story— yeah" Simon & Garfunkel, "Keep the customer satisfied"- For the chronologically-challenged, here's the brushed up CD version. I do hope there are still those out there who recognised the quotation immediately. The same old story is a reference to the fact that despite the convergence of opportunity, technology, and even a... Continue Reading →

Favourite thing

Today's Daily Prompt invites bloggers to toot their own horn. We have been invited to write about our favourite thing about ourselves, given our normal excellence at self-deprecation. Oooh! Online group therapy! Forget it! I much prefer being self-deprecating, as much as it annoys one of my favourite cousins. It is a reflex action ingrained... Continue Reading →

Daily Prompt: Polite Company

When you have a big idea stewing, but not the energy to bring it to the boil, you can always count on WordPress to provide a safer option! Today's daily prompt is prompting thus: “It’s never a good idea to discuss religion or politics with people you don’t really know.” Agree or disagree?" Let's start... Continue Reading →

Saturday morning coffee

When I say I live in the rural Algarve, I sometimes think city folk misunderstand what that might mean. I am not surrounded by livestock (but could be, if I had a different job). It means that where I have Saturday morning coffee looks nothing like a coffee shop from the outside, in the shopping... Continue Reading →

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