Why make presentations?

Clearly, the rational human being has no say in this decision; the ego merely forces her to submit a proposal with haste.

Alfie might know

No one named Alfie is going to walk out of the ether and give me a coherent and comprehensive answer to that question.


This is the result of a timed fifteen-minute scribble, the title for which is a writer's prompt, merely to focus on writing itself, and see what ideas come to the surface as a result. I wrote this in December 2015, and have reproduced it here unchanged - except no one will now complain about my... Continue Reading →

Bog and glue

All writers need to hone their craft. I was feeling guilty about one paragraph in yesterday's blog. It contained one long, unruly sentence. I should have deleted it. I did not. The blog would have been better without it. As I was thinking about it again this morning, I got a promotional e-mail from PerfectIt... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 8, 9 & 10

After an intense week or more of work during which I managed to ignore the deleterious effects of perspiration for much longer than is either desirable or healthy, I decided yesterday that I had to restore the balance between brain and body, so attacked the less romantic aspects of gardening for which there are no... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 6 & 7

Another mini-break in my big editing job. The wave of early evening heat makes me conscious once again that I never made it to the shower today. I arose shortly after sunrise, eager to take advantage of the cool air and quiet. Suddenly, it is almost sunset; another day gone, another schedule rendered fluid by... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 4 & 5

The process of completion of my tax return and what I found to be a demanding online course within a few short days has led me to make some unusual correlations with regarding to the next two stories in my little book. The first one is guaranteed to make vegetarians squeamish and carnivores blanch at... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 2 & 3

Self-restraint. That was one word I plugged into the last batch of editing I have just completed. How apt! You see, I have been itching to blog, but managed to keep a lid on it until I had finished a section. I exercised self-restraint. It is also fitting to mention at this juncture that I... Continue Reading →

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