Blue suede Saussure

My first translation theory lecture—back when no one was quite sure whether buses had been invented, let alone whether Pa actually did fall off one of them—dealt with the arbitrariness of sign as a central property of natural language (if indeed, one considers natural language as a system of signs). One of its chief proponents was... Continue Reading →


Why would I ever want to contemplate my navel again when I can experience nausea by gazing down the abyss of my own spinal column?

Open Library is yours (ACCESS FROM HERE): now a one stop access widget!

New at euzicasa: Open Library is yours (ACCESS FROM HERE): now a one stop access widget!. Readers of the world unite! What a far cry this is from the part-time job I had for a while as a university student! I was a "shelf reader". This entailed gazing at the rows of books stacked on... Continue Reading →

I ♥ Adobe Reader X

A few days ago, patenttranslator admitted that his new best dictionary-friend is Google Translate in a well-balanced and well-reasoned post. —Yes, there is a relatively small population of Earthlings who have dictionaries for friends. Weird, possibly, but true. Some have had relationships with dictionaries since earliest childhood. Most adherents to this subculture conduct relationships with multiple dictionaries... Continue Reading →

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