Bus stop snapshots

About a month ago, I was waiting for a bus on my way home from a business trip to Braga, a city in the north of Portugal. My phone—which seems to have a brain and free will—decides that I do not have enough storage to take photos whenever I travel. This leads to the necessity... Continue Reading →

Seeds and Tools | Sementes e Ferramentas

For translators pursuing that all-important goal of honing their craft.

Piles of thatching

The minute I saw the swing seat, I thought at once of grass fences so common until about the 1970s in the country now known as Zimbabwe. You might think that is a curious association to make when faced with Christmas decoration in a Portuguese town square. Let me explain. In a land where the... Continue Reading →


Janeishly has found her way back to writing again after a seemingly long absence. She has an advent calendar that ushered in a ritual of drinking a different flavour herb tea every evening and she has instituted writing prompts for those who care to join her. Chance would be a fine thing! We cannot get... Continue Reading →

Shifting spaces, new horizons

How my relationship with my two computer screens has altered within a few short months and shifts in how I relate to the information I consume every day.

Will I need my baking trays?

Things I don't normally think about are taking up and awful lot of headspace.

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