Your laundry is calling you

The other day, the poll on a translator forum asked how long we worked before taking a break. You will note that the question was not how often we take breaks. That would imply that most freelance translators stick to a rigid timetable. I, for one, cannot imagine that there are too many translators who... Continue Reading →

Favourite thing

Today's Daily Prompt invites bloggers to toot their own horn. We have been invited to write about our favourite thing about ourselves, given our normal excellence at self-deprecation. Oooh! Online group therapy! Forget it! I much prefer being self-deprecating, as much as it annoys one of my favourite cousins. It is a reflex action ingrained... Continue Reading →

In short,

Sunny day, improving spirits all round; three loads of laundry hanging on the line, thereby ensuring that my pile of things to iron remains huge; complete bath and hair wash for my beloved, during which time I spilled a basin of soapy water on the lounge floor, thereby underlining the fortuitousness of the absence of... Continue Reading →

Sweeping for Jesus

I am an at-the-desk and sitting-up-straight-on-a-chair person. Always have been. I could never do homework on my bed. My laptop always sits on my desk, perched like some space-age typewriter. But today I am doing something I never normally do. I am sitting on our new sofa with my feet up, with my laptop on... Continue Reading →

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