The Scatterling series – 21, 22 & 23

It seems quite strange now that a free online course is teaching me how to write fiction to be back in this non-fictional world with fictional illustrations which allude to reality in the absence of photographic documentation. It is early days yet, but I am having such fun trying to come to grips with another... Continue Reading →

Old translators never die

The cadence of one of my translated sentences yesterday reminded me about the fate of old golfers, and I could not remember whether real men eat quiche or not. If the truth be told, I was not entirely sure if Kisch was involved. That advice about sounding out the word in your head in order... Continue Reading →

You look familiar

I am sure most people have been told that they look familiar at least once in their lives upon meeting a stranger. The trouble is that this used to happen to me a lot in my early twenties. This used to upset me because my childhood indoctrination, religious and otherwise, had taught me that I... Continue Reading →

Incurably curious. Curiously incurable.

I might as well get it out of my system now; confess, if you will. I love words. I love reading dictionaries.  [If I were making a speech at a golf club, say, I would have lost about ninety per cent of my audience already. It is possible to love words and golf, or books and... Continue Reading →

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