
The word moonbeam, describing a lone phenomenon in the night sky, has slammed two words into one neat little unit.

Two legs good, four legs possible

For deviant behaviour, I might be labelled a cow, and have a code slapped on me for RFID purposes later.

Reluctant tradition

In case you have not realised it, there is an entire week between Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Freedom’s the thing

The thing about dictatorships, and oppressive regimes in general, is that there is no freedom of speech.

Shoots and leaves

We feel better once we're shot of it. It leaves us refreshed, with more space for new growth, where we can breathe.

Blogging from bed

Ever since that silly advert claiming that smartphone and WiFi technology combined meant that because translation is such a straightforward activity requiring so little effort it could be accomplished while sitting on the toilet, I have found myself from time to time wondering about where exactly my friends post their Facebook and other contributions from.... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 2 & 3

Self-restraint. That was one word I plugged into the last batch of editing I have just completed. How apt! You see, I have been itching to blog, but managed to keep a lid on it until I had finished a section. I exercised self-restraint. It is also fitting to mention at this juncture that I... Continue Reading →

The Scatterling series – 1

I am going to be very busy during the next four months editing a translation of a very long biography. I anticipate that this will leave me little time to blog. I have decided that the easiest way of giving you something to read on a regular basis is to reproduce here a couple of... Continue Reading →


Sources of Joy - Days 96 and 97 Perhaps I have been unduly influenced by a curious blend, inter alia∗, of pop psychology, New Age thinking and French literary trends c. 1920–1960. Today's events on my little planet revolved around the theme of choice, something I expounded upon at length for about a decade straddling... Continue Reading →

A difficult balance

I do have a good laugh when I choose to write on a subject about which I know so very little. When I was still at school, we had to read a novel by George Duhamel entitled Le Notaire du Havre which, as now expected with so much of modern literature, had nothing - and... Continue Reading →

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