New typewriter required

There are not too many translators who readily accept scanned copies of documents for translation. Even translators who were touch typists before the introduction of function keys on computer keyboards (such as I) become lazy. We love our computers. We love our CAT tools which obviate the necessity for (a) typing and (b) formatting. These... Continue Reading →

Ten minutes

Self-reprimand is often the best form of punishment precisely because it is private. I am going to make my most recent one public, though. It was ten minutes to seven o'clock when I sat down again to work this evening. I thought to myself, "Great, I can check my mail - and the odd forum... Continue Reading →

A good ‘un

I was checking online whether my translation from Portuguese into English of a Chinese proverb matched the commonly accepted rendition in English. As one does. I should mention that I do not normally take the answers found at as Gospel for obvious reasons, but have occasionally found some useful leads there by way of... Continue Reading →

Oh, fadista!

Imagine you have one tape cassette which you play over and over on a portable tape deck. The tape was recorded on this same tape deck while sitting as close to the gramophone as possible as a borrowed long-playing record of Amália Rodrigues singing the fado filled the air. At the end of Side 1,... Continue Reading →

Figs in autumn

Every June/July I watch the fig trees as their fruit starts forming. And every year, with a certain amount of regret, I notice the last of the figs falling on the ground, unclaimed after the seasonal glut. For at least the last three summers, I have intended to ask the lady down the road if... Continue Reading →

Read the fine print

This is a very ordinary story with no particular punchline. It started seven weeks ago when I made an appointment to see the doctor. I saw the doctor last week at our local health clinic. I live in Portugal and have finally got to the point when I understand most of what I hear, and... Continue Reading →

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