Mark the day

In the early dawn half-light, I lay curled up under the covers like a chongololo.

Sleeping together

There are two hearts beating, two hearts breathing to the beat of that one drum, breathing naked together, we are joined at the heart and we breathe in unison, always, we pretend it is for always, but know it is not so.

Rule No 6

Always wondered how many ways you had to try before it worked. I never tried to leave my lover, although I did fancy hopping on a bus occasionally.

I blame Johnnie Walker

The famous brand of whiskey united their logo image and wordplay on part of the brand name with their slogan "keep walking". Somewhere between the clinking of the ice and the drinking of this golden liquid surpassed in its glory and purity only by water itself, "keep on walking" became one of our slogans. The... Continue Reading →

That holiday feeling

Sources of Joy - Days 82 and 83 That might seem like a strange title given that I have just returned to work, having taken a break to deal with moving house. The truth is that my new environment is very relaxing indeed. Despite the many chores to complete before  I can say that we... Continue Reading →

Change and the mustard seed

Sources of Joy - Days 54 – 56 A eulogy of sorts During this, my officially designated "respite", I have made honest attempts to achieve more regular days, manage my time with greater precision, and render plans and strategies conceived thus far more concrete. All this, yet still, days flow one into the other as the... Continue Reading →

…little talk awhile of me and thee…

I came across one of those sentimental "quotations" so prevalent these days. I have done a quick translation into English, and must emphasise now that I do not identify with the sentiment conveyed! And if I were to die? Imagine what it would be like, you sending me an SMS knowing that I would never answer... Continue Reading →

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