Rule No 6

Always wondered how many ways you had to try before it worked. I never tried to leave my lover, although I did fancy hopping on a bus occasionally.


Note: The 4,100 words which follow contain my observations alone.  You may see things differently, although I do hope that at least something strikes a chord.  If you cannot stomach a text this long - a text I felt compelled to write - be glad that I put the poem and its translation at the... Continue Reading →

Flagging a quip

~Sources of Joy ~ Day 212 I have been fighting with my text today, but then I remembered what someone else once said - as one does, and felt so much better for it. Anna Haxen, a Danish to English translator, thought what she had to say in a forum one day was pretty unremarkable,... Continue Reading →

A street light

~Sources of Joy ~ Day 208 I have been logging in my various sources of joy on Facebook instead of here for far too long. It was less time-consuming, and on that platform I do not feel obliged to provide a picture to go with the story. Here is what turned out to be a... Continue Reading →

The pot can stop…

Sources of Joy - Day 99 ... calling the kettle black. I almost destroyed the kettle through negligence – otherwise known as being  in the zone or absentmindedness, whichever you prefer. After a second, more vigorous, attempt yesterday, I restored the item in question to its former glory. I have not used it yet. I am... Continue Reading →

Delightfully unplanned

Sources of Joy - Day 98 This blog has to be brief. My early night (just before midnight) starts in half an hour. The morning was productive. I was beautifully focused and business-like. I managed to fend off getting entangled in a conversation with the landlady, her mother and her two grandchildren when they came... Continue Reading →


Sources of Joy - Days 96 and 97 Perhaps I have been unduly influenced by a curious blend, inter alia∗, of pop psychology, New Age thinking and French literary trends c. 1920–1960. Today's events on my little planet revolved around the theme of choice, something I expounded upon at length for about a decade straddling... Continue Reading →

New rhythms

Sources of Joy - Day 95 Day 93 (Friday) finally saw the delivery of my office table, a bargain second-hand buy. The last piece of the intricate puzzle that is my new office space, now placed together with the inadequate desk I already possessed, gives me a large desk space on which to order my... Continue Reading →

That holiday feeling

Sources of Joy - Days 82 and 83 That might seem like a strange title given that I have just returned to work, having taken a break to deal with moving house. The truth is that my new environment is very relaxing indeed. Despite the many chores to complete before  I can say that we... Continue Reading →

Ground Control

Sources of Joy - Day 81 I had a deep acquaintance at university once. We were never what one could call friends, but when we did spend time together, it was deep. She played guitar. She sang and played David Bowie's "Space Oddity" very well, especially the riff in between the verses. Sadly she stayed... Continue Reading →

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